Saturday, March 6, 2010

Congrtulations, Conference and Comments

Congratulations to our own Mina McCluskey for winning the International Speech Area Contest. Mina will proceed to the District competition in Kitchener. The winner there must write a completely new speech and will go on to compete at the Spring Conference.

The Spring Conference for District 86 will be held at the Delta Meadowvale Convention Centre, in Mississauga. It will take place on April 16-18. You can register for this event online at This is right off the 401, about a 45-60 minute drive from Guelph. You are encouraged to take advanatage of this convenient location.

Share you comments on what is happening. This site is a "blog". You'll notice at he bottom of each article there is the word "comment". If you click on that you can write a comment on the article. Give it a try. Tell folks what you thought of Mina's performance, and cheer her on. Indicate that you're plannng to attend the conference, and get a car pool organized. Interact with this site and it becomes more interesting.