"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible visible." Anthony Robbins
Bani Arora presented an inspiring educational session on goal setting. She explained that goals should be:
- specific, clearly defined and precise
- measurable, so you can tell if they have been accomplished
- action oriented, focus on what you plan to do
- realistic, make sure it's achievable given the specific situation
- time bound, you need to set an exact time frame
Bani explained that once goals have been set, then next step is to make an action plan clarifying how to achieve the goals. Such a plan makes leaders future oriented. It also enables leaders to coordinate their decisions and reinforces their focus on the goals. A clear plan ensures efficient use of resources. The Planning Process involves the following steps;
1. establish strategies, who? what? when? how?
2. set a timetable
3. assign responsibilities
4. anticipate obstacles
5. modify the plan as you proceed if necessary
The session was concluded with Bani reviewing the criteria for the Distinguished Toastmasters Club Program. She reminded members of the goals our organization has been working towards and updated our progress status. For example we sought at least four new members and have attracted eight. We expect to reach the goal of two members completing their Competent Communicator's manual by spring. We also expect to have one or two complete an Advanced Communicator's manual. Our dues have been collected on time, and Terri reminded the members present to consider attending the officer training which is coming up in February.
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