The Civic Leadership Prayer Breakfast of Guelph is honoured to present inspirational speaker Kim Phuc, "The Girl In The Picture." Kim was 9 years old, living in South Vietnam when on June 8, 1972 she was severely burned with napalm bombs. Naked and terrified, Kim's image was caught in the Pulitizer Prize winning photo shown here. With over half of her body burned, it was not expected that Kim would survive. The photographer, Nick Ut, took Phuc to an American hospital is Saigon. Two years later she returned to her village and was used as a proganda symbol for the Communist Government.
While studying in C uba in 1986 Kim met Bui Huy Toan, whom she married. They honeymooned in Moscow and during their flight back defected while in a stop-over in Gander, Newfoundland. Kim now lives in Ajax and speaks worldwide about forgiveness. She raises money for the Kim Foundation, which is a not-for-profit organization committed to funding programs that "heal".
This event will also feature music from Juno Award winner Deborah Klassen.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Delta Hotel & Conference Centre
Stone Road at Gordon St., Guelph
6:45 Hot Buffet, 7:00-8:45 Program
Cost $20 each, table seat 10, parking included
This event is sold out except fora handful of tickets that Stone Road club member, Blake, is holding in reserve. Email the club if you're interested.
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