Tuesday, May 26, 2009


The sign of a healthy organization is when a significant portion of the leadership wants to remain in service taking on new challenges, while a component of new faces join them at the helm. That's exactly what happened as the Stone Road Toastmasters conducted the election for new executive officers on May 25. The new executive will be;

President - Terri Millar, previously VP Education
VP Eucation - Bani Arora, previously VP Public Relations
VP Membership - Michelle Munroe, previously Sergeant at Arms
VP Public Relations - Marg Stewart, previously Secretary
Treasurer - Theresa Dietrich, new member
Secretary - Anca Preda, new member
Sergeant at Arms - Adnan Cheema, established member

Mina McCluskey moves to the role of Past President. She encouraged the new executive to participate in the training programs that will be forthcoming through the Toastmaster's Organization. She indicated that their roles can be as expansive, or focused as their personal schedules permit. Stone Road Toastmasters has a history of group support for all activities and Mina assured the new executive that they will not be working in isolation.

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