Sunday, April 29, 2012

Club Testimonials

I had researched Toastmasters online and was able to listen to some Toastmaster Padcosts which I found inspiring. I was drawn here to improve my public speaking skills and look forward to improving critical thinking "on the spot" speech skills.

I came out to TMs because I hard I could improve my speaking skills. I also thought I could increase my skills in facilitating meetings since that is a skills that could help me at work.

I enjoy learning about other people's lives and connecting. This club is incredibly inclusive. I am challenged by others in a good way. This is a great distraction and a positive environment no matter what's going on in my work and pesonal life. This club is an entertaining and humourous environment.

I learn how to evaluate in a positive and helpful way. I learn about leadership as well as public speaking.

I love SRTM because I see memebers get better and better over the months. At SRTM, I have an opportunity to try new things in a safe, supportive environment.

I like that we understand each other. I listen and learn from other people. I like being together, mixing and miggling. Toastmasters helps me to feel more comfortable with everything. It helps people improve their lifestyle. It's very supportive.

SRTM has a friendly environment...a supportive atmosphere. The feedback is proactive. I like SRTM for the professional growth oportunities. I enjoy hearing interesting topics and speeches. I am improving my speaking and leadership skills. I learn a variety of skills like charing a meeting and facilitating. It's at a convenient location and time.

I love SRTM becuase it is a safe environment to overcome a challenge I've faced my whole life. It has made a significant impact in my life both professional and personally. I wouldn't have made this progress without TM as quickly, by far. I love the personal stories. I have learned so much by just being present. Some very surprising things. It has reduced my anxiety tremendously. It is still there, but, my butterflies are not in formation. I love networking with a diverse group of people.

Toastmasters was one of my greatest supports in ealing with health challenges. TMs gives me focus. TMs lets me achieve gold stars. TMs gives me personal growth in a safe place. I am learning about my potential. I enjoy meeting people with similar goals.

What I enjoy about TMs?

  • It's a safe place. No judgment. Sharing with strangers is a first. making new friends. Laughing at each other. Friendly and supportive.
  • Friendhip. Improving my communication. Meeting new people. Coaching Toastmasters. Going to contests. Going to conferences. Improving myself.
  • Brian our area governor wrote: Supportive atmosphere where you can safely learn. Great people! Excellent speeches on interesting topics. Becoming a better speaker. Becoming a better leader. Getting outside your comfort zone. Becoming a more rounded person.
  • Professional growth. Challenges. Perspective of others. Networking and social. Education.

Friendship, education, personal growth, security (we can fail safely), humour, structure and organizational skills

  • personal development, learning from members, safe place to fail, face fears, friendly surroundings, opportunities to develop leadership and communication skills
  • opportunity to speak, opportunity to listen to structured speeches and evaluations, networking, friendship opportunities, overcoming fear of speaking, improving speaking fluency