‘Altruism’: that was our word of the week on November 8th, 2010. It means ‘giving yourself up for the benefit of others’. On that day, I was able to use the word after a shy visitor to the club had received the ‘Table Topics’ award. In my comments as the ‘toastmaster’ or chairman of the meeting, I said that this young lady had given us an example of altruism in action. By risking herself, by reluctantly standing up and giving a one minute speech, covered in blushes and confusion, she had given herself up for the benefit of the club. Isn’t that what we do when we gather together on Monday nights? We offer ourselves, our strengths and our weaknesses, not only that we might improve our skills, but so that others might learn, grow, and find the courage to face a new challenge in their lives.
Alan Cook C.C.