Stone Road Toastmasters is proud of all of its members...current and past...new and old (or, should I say, "experienced")...and especially proud of the extremely supportive atmosphere that borders on a type of "family away from home" feeling.
And it is with immense pride that SRTM acknowledges a member that has recently brought attention to both herself and the club...attention not only from Guelph Toastmaster clubs, but from those in the surrounding cities as well...attention in (what I consider) one of the most flattering forms - that of stomach-clutching, tear popping, gut-rumbling LAUGHTER!
Marion has had us laughing all the way from our club, over to Area 62, and on to Division W, with her hysterically witty and insightful Humour Contest speech! A huge HIP! HIP! HOORAY!! to Marion for her wonderful and impressive accomplishments throughout these rounds of contests! A huge offer of thanks to all of our SRTM Fall 2008 Club Contest contestants and volunteers, without whom the contest could not have been held! And a huge group hug to all of those SRTM members that showed up at the Area and Division contests to cheer on Marion, our very own Humour Contest champion! (Marion shown holding her trophy in the photo above [at left] at the Area 62 contest, alongside Neelu [Chief Judge] and Glen [Area 62 Governor]).
Mina McCluskey, President
Stone Road Toastmasters